GBM Catalogues

Discover the catalogs of GBM props and scaffolding.
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GBM Props catalogue

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GBM Shoring Props: Data Sheet

GBM shoring prop specifications, data sheet & capacity tables: maximum extension, minimum extension, inner tube, outer tube, weight, compression... If you want to know it all, just...

Download the datasheet of our shoring props (PDF / 0.1 MB)

GBM Scaffolding Catalogue

Would you like to view the full GBM scaffoldings catalogue?

Download the full catalogue in PDF format (3.2 MB)

Or go straight to the online version.

H20 beams and formworks sheets catalogue

Would you like to see the full catalogue of GBM H20 beams and panels?

Download the full catalogue in pdf format (2 MB)

Or go straight to the online version.

Content of the catalogue? General information and technical features: type of wood, weight, dimensions (they come in various standard lengths), certificates etc.

GBM Shoring Towers instruction booklet

GBM Shoring towers use and maintenance manual ("instructions booklet") is a crucial instrument for the worksite operator. The instructions booklet instructs the operator on use and maintenance operations as well as perfect functionality thereof.

Download GBM Shoring towers use and maintenance manual ("instructions booklet") in pdf format (7 MB).

Or go straight to the online version.

Content of the catalogue? Technical features of GBM propping towers: product description, components of the ST100 tower, verifications and checks on the components, assembly and use of the towers, general instructions, vertical assembly, horizontal assembly, releasing towers, cleaning and maintenance, capacity and displacements table, distribution diagram.

GBM Archive of old catalogues - PDF format


GBM's shipbuilding scaffoldings

GBM's shipbuilding scaffoldings

Shipyards are complex and demanding environments, requiring specialised solutions such as GBM's shipbuilding scaffolding.


Descoperă programele dedicate construcțiilor
Popi necesari pentru a susține un solar: ghid pentru a stabili distanțele, categoriile și cantitățile

Popi necesari pentru a susține un solar: ghid pentru a stabili distanțele, categoriile și cantitățile

La ce distanță trebuie poziționată popul pentru a susține un solar? Care categorie trebuie să fie? De câți popi este nevoie pentru a opera în mod corect? Nu sunt întrebări banale, tocmai pentru acest motiv în rândurile următoare punem la dispoziție un ghid ce te va ajuta sa găsești răspunsurile necesare.


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